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It’s not the “WHAT,”  but the “HOW!” -Swami Kriyananda

The Ananda Thousand Oaks community is coming together in joyful, selfless service. Please join us Sunday, Oct. 24 at 9:30 a.m. as we clean the new center and fill it with love.

Seva is serving others without selfish motive or desire for recognition. Whatever we do in life, if we do it in attunement to God as an instrument of His divine presence, we advance toward freedom (moksha.) Serving with like-minded friends within a spiritual environment also transforms our lives, bringing joy into everything we do, awakening Soul consciousness.

Here are just a few of the key concepts of Seva

  • Ananda Seva (joy-filled service) can truly be a way of dissolving the ego.
  • We should serve with a flow of God’s love, both seeing those we serve as a form of the Divine and feeling that it is the Divine who is serving through us.
  • The attitudes with which we serve are more important than the type of service.
  • Our primary goal in serving others is to uplift consciousness, both theirs and ours.
  • Our service should be rooted in a daily practice of meditation.

Come serve in the center, contributing to its beautiful energy. Enjoy chants and spiritual community while working.

Sunday, Oct 24, 9:30am – 10:30am.

All are welcome. Ananda is a nonsectarian, non-profit center for meditation, spiritual growth, and community, based on the teachings of the Self-realized Master, Paramhansa Yogananda