What is Ananda?
Ananda is a worldwide, nondenominational, nonprofit, center for meditation, spiritual growth, and community based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda.
Ananda’s primary goal is to help people achieve Self-realization.
As Yogananda said:“Self-realization means realizing your true Self as the great ocean of Spirit, by breaking the delusion that you are this little ego, this little human body and personality. . .”
Yogananda’s teachings are delightfully free of dogma. He delivered techniques and lessons that help us uplift our coinsciousness, ending ego-bound tendencies. He encouraged spiritual seekers to test the ideas he shares in the laboratory of their own lives, helping us discover that God is “nearer than the near; dearer than the dear”– knowable as the closest friend.
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What People are Saying
Thank you for the invigorating Raja yoga lessons. Thank you for the joyful satsangs and quiet hours of meditation and prayers. Thank you for introducing me to the teachings of Guru, Paramhansa Yogananda. The experience at Ananda has been powerful, enlightening and life changing. – Gunjan
I stepped into Ananda longing to participate in spiritual community. They have helped me discover the real power and great purpose behind meditation. Ananda teaches true, ancient yoga philosophy through devotion to Truth. It is the most harmonious community I have ever experienced. I have deep gratitude towards my teachers and the entire Ananda community. Thank you for being. – Kimia
Ananda is an all inclusive community for families, couples or individuals. The truth is, I don’t know what my family would do without this jewel in our lives. – Michael